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2.16Monitor and publicly report on Council's log hollow habitat enhancement program for sugar gliders and hollow dependent birds and adjust and expand as appropriate.


On time
  • Not started
  • Planning
  • Implementation
  • Continuous


The distribution and abundance of hollow-bearing trees has been negatively impacted by urbanisation, highlighting the need to provide habitat supplementation for hollow dependent species, including a range of bird species.

Installation of 20 log hollows for Pardalotes has occurred across Burke Rd Billabong and South Surrey Park. Three hollows for King Parrots have been installed across Clifford Close Reserve and Greythorn Park. Two hollows for Yellow Tailed Black Cockatoos have been installed at Nettleton Park.

Monthly hollow checks of the six Krefft's Gliders hollows installed at Willsmere Billabong are continuing, with these checks open for community members to book into and attend.

Summary and contacts



Target audience

Information updated 03/06/2024