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6.7Continue to evolve the Living for Our Future workshop program, to address emerging sustainability issues and community interest and needs.


On time
  • Not started
  • Planning
  • Implementation
  • Continuous
Supporting our community to Live for our Future


Council continues to provide a comprehensive Living for our Future sustainability workshop program with a range of topics. Topics are based on community feedback and address both current and emerging sustainability issues. Examples of new workshop topics meeting these needs include e-bikes for beginners and induction cooking.

In October 2023, Council joined the My Smart Garden Program, an alliance of eleven councils designed to deliver gardening resources to the community including:

  • free sustainable gardening workshops, webinars and videos
  • a monthly e-newsletter with seasonal tips, recipes and information on upcoming events
  • access to case studies, recommended reading and articles
  • opportunities to swap and share advice with other local gardeners.

Summary and contacts


Information updated 10/05/2024